
Children & Youth Support

How we work together to meet even the most complex needs.

Our Network of Support for Children & Youth!

At Key Assets, we understand that every child and youth will have completely different needs. Some may need a foster placement for a few nights while others will need a longer term family environment. When it comes to fostering and family care, no two children and no two placements are the same. During your assessment, we will help you prepare to care for children or youth in all types of placements.

  • Emergency – Caring for children with an urgent need for somewhere safe to stay, usually for a few nights.
  • Short-term – Taking care of a child for a few weeks up to a few months, while difficulties at home are resolved or alternative plans are made for their future.
  • Long term – Taking a child into your life and caring for them for a period of time that could range from a year until possibly adulthood.
  • Respite – Usually involves children living with their own family or foster carers, but having short stays with another foster family, or to give their family/main carers a break.
  • Parent and child – In this situation, carers look after a parent and their child(ren) or young expecting mothers.
  • MATCH (Mentorship and Transitional Care Homes) – This program involves caring for youth ages 16- 22 years, who show a level of independence and are transitioning away from the need for foster or family care services. For more information on our MATCH program, click here.

Many of the placement types at Key Assets are aimed at supporting children and youth with high and complex needs. We provide placements for a diverse group of children. As a carer, recognizing and supporting their cultural heritage and identity through activities is key to providing children and youth with a safe nurturing environment.

When a foster child enters the Key Assets family, they are introduced to their own Child and Youth Counsellor (CYC).  Every CYC at Key Assets Ontario are qualified Child Youth Workers or Developmental Services Workers who are specifically dedicated to helping children grow and reach their true potential.